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Skin Cancer Treatment in Atlanta

Skin cancer is a type of cancer where clusters of abnormal cells grow on the skin. If left unchecked, skin cancer can spread throughout the body and become a very serious and sometimes fatal diagnosis. However, if it is caught and treated early, skin cancer has one of the highest survival rates of all cancers.

At Nip & Tuck Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jones offers patients multiple Atlanta skin cancer treatment options to remove skin cancer from the body and make sure it stays gone.

Is that Skin Cancer?

There is no “eyeball test” for skin cancer . Because there are so many different types of skin cancer and so many variations to how it acts, the only real way to make sure a spot on the skin is cancerous is to have the site biopsied and tested.

However, there are a few general guidelines to look for when determining whether or not you should have a spot checked for cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends the “ABCDE Rule” when examining whether or not a spot is cancerous:

  • Asymmetry: One half of the mark or spot appears different than the other.
  • Border: The edges of the spot are ragged or irregular.
  • Color: The color is not consistent - sometimes including shades of brown, black, red, pink, white, or even blue hues.
  • Diameter: The diameter of the spot is larger than a ¼’ - about the size of a grain of rice.
  • Evolving: The spot’s size, shape, or color has changed.

If the spot in question matches one or more of the “ABCDE” requirements, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Jones at Nip & Tuck Plastic Surgery in Atlanta. During your appointment for skin cancer treatment Atlanta plastic surgeon, Dr. Jones can help provide guidance on diagnosis and treatment options that may be available to catch any skin cancer early and keep it from spreading.

atlanta Skin Cancer treatment

Melanoma vs. Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

Most skin cancers are classified as either melanoma or non-melanoma. There are some important differences between these two main designations that are important in terms of risk and treatment.


Melanoma is a common and potentially very serious form of skin cancer that begins in the pigment-producing cells at the top layer of the skin (melanocytes). Usually, melanoma shows itself in the form of irregular moles that grow or change (think of the “ABCDE” guidelines). Early detection is critical in the fight against melanoma.


You may have heard terms like “basal cell carcinoma”and “squamous cell carcinoma” in reference to skin cancer. These are both types of non-melanoma skin cancer. They are referred to as such not because they are less serious than melanoma, but because they form in a different part of the skin. If left untreated, they can cause serious complications.

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Superficial Radiotherapy (SRT) for Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

At Atlanta’s Nip & Tuck Plastic Surgery, Dr. Nicholas Jones offers his patients superficial radiotherapy (SRT), an effective and non-invasive skin cancer treatment option for non-melanoma skin cancer. Superficial radiotherapy works by isolating and targeting the affected cells with a low energy form of radiation that only affects those cells, without damaging the rest of the body.

Why SRT?

The most important reason why Dr. Jones offers SRT is - it works and some patients are not good candidates for excision.

SRT boasts a 95%+ cure rate when used to treat non-melanoma skin cancer. In addition to its cure rate, here are some other benefits to using SRT as a treatment option for non-melanoma skin cancer:

  • Non-invasive
  • Non-surgical
  • Faster recovery
  • Faster treatment
  • No cutting required
  • No antibiotics necessary
  • No interruption of day-to-day activities
  • No scarring (possible hypopigmentation)
  • No stoppage of blood thinners necessary

Given the other treatment options out there, Dr. Jones believes SRT is an effective way to address non-melanoma skin cancer permanently.

atlanta SRT

The SRT Process

When you first come to Nip & Tuck for treatment, we will review your case and determine your eligibility for SRT. You can ask Dr. Jones and our staff questions and we will guide you through what to expect for the treatment process.

The initial consultations will also include a simulation phase, where photos, ultrasound images, and treatment parameters are entered into a computer model to document their effectiveness.


Your skin cancer treatment will consist of a series of 20 sessions, spread out over a course of time that works for you (2x,3x,4x, or 5x/week). SRT is usually not affected by the occasional break in treatment. Each treatment usually lasts about 15 minutes and is painless. You will receive less radiation in the area than you would normally receive during a chest X-ray.


In between treatments, you will want to cover the area with clothing or sunscreen as it is more sensitive to sunlight while being treated. You will also need to avoid using perfumes, deodorants, or other medicine on the area without checking with Dr. Jones first.

Dr. Jones and his team will provide you with a comprehensive plan should you decide to choose SRT for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. This treatment plan will help you prep for treatment and minimize complications.

Let’s Handle This, Together

Skin cancer is serious, but it is treatable - especially with early detection. If you suspect that you might have skin cancer or have been diagnosed with skin cancer, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Jones today to get started on your path to recovery.

Come visit Dr. Jones and our team and let us help you achieve the spectacular look you deserve!

3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30327

Call Today (404) 777-TUCK

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3280 Howell Mill Rd NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30327